Sunday, September 11, 2011

Getting in the groove

It's going to take me a while to get in the groove of writing here.  It's something new to me so I'm going to work on it!  promise :)

I recieved my TOMS in the mail and they are totally awesome.  I have been wearing them to work almost every day so they are kind of dirty now, but still beautiful and I get lots of compliments on them.  I'm still on the hunt for the perfect pair of jeans...I wish we had a T.J. Maxx or something similar here so I could search through some good brands at good prices...but alas I am limited to the internet or our sad choice of stores at the mall (It's only during times like these that I wish I lived in a big city!).

I have been trying to get things cleaned up this weekend and I would like to try and start making modifications around the house, using as little money as possible.  I need to try and use my creative muscles.  Some of the blogs I have read boast whole room makeovers for practically pennies...and I'm just talking about adding some art and shelves, and finalizing furniture placement! 

Anyways, just checking in.  Hopefully I will be back tomorrow in full force...and very soon with some pictures!!!