Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 1: "To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are"

The date is August 28, 2011.  I turned 22 years old today!  Leading up to it, I was absolutely terrified of reaching this milestone.  22 seems so adult.  I don't even know what I want to do with my life!  I can't even follow through with the goals that I set for myself.  The quote above was sent to my phone via Twitter a la Jason Mraz a few weeks ago.  It made me realize that I really need to start DOING, instead of just planning...

So today is going to be the beginning.  A new way of living.  I have spent the majority of my day napping and laying on the couch...and in all this down time I have realized a few things I need to start doing right away:
  1. I need to figure out what I want to do with my life...and soon!  They make you choose your major when you're just barely 18.  This is the decision that is going to effect your WHOLE life.  How are we supposed to decide that right out of high school???  I think I will be able to make a more informed decision at the ripe age of 22.  I'm going to start a list and write down one possible future career everday for a week, starting tomorrow. 
  2. I seriously need to crack down on my exercise/weight loss/health kick regimen.  Also starting tomorrow I will begin a six-week program.  I will go to the gym at least four times a week, try and get outside at least once a week, eat healthier, cut out soda and alcohol, aim for 64 oz of water, and eat less sweets.  I'm 22 for crying out loud, I need to get in shape!  I'm wasting away in this slightly overweight body...imagine how much more I could enjoy my life if I was healthy!
  3. I am going to start building a great wardrobe, one piece at a time.  And since quality is more important than quantity, I will "splurge" on one piece a month.  I use the word splurge loosely because $50 is a splurge for me!  As I get older I realize I need a more sophisticated wardrobe.  For the month of August I bought a pair of Toms, a comfortable pair of casual shoes.  For September I hope to get a great new pair of dark trouser cut jeans, and October is going to bring a new pair of boots...I'm thinking a pair of Blowfish ones that I have been swooning over for years!

This is a good start to getting my 22-year-old self on track.  I would like to document my goals and progress to give myself some acountability!  This time its going to stick...keep your fingers crossed!

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful and relaxing day!

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